Bonus BKK!

Here’s a handful more snapshots that didn’t make it into the main post. There’s some random fun photos and a few pretty funny snapshots, too.


I loved my place in Bangkok! I picked it myself and was pretty pleased with my choice. Although Kent was initially skeptical, my little haven eventually won him over, too.

Delightful day & night
Purple flowers frame a wicker lounge chair in a rooftop garden at the author's home in Bangkok, Thailand.
Rooftop relaxation
The Sun, centered in this photo, drops toward the horizon through a brilliantly orange sky. Clouds are hazy and purple overhead, and a few skyscrapers are silhouetted against the approaching sunset.
Sunset views: spectacular night after night!


Although I didn’t adore my job, I was happy to have it. It had gotten me a fresh start in a new country, and was part and parcel of finishing my own schooling! Kent was also working, and despite what you might think – our work looked pretty similar at times!

An author selfie, featuring her classroom. The class is empty of students: all the chairs are overturned on top of the desks. She's teaching online - her laptop is open in the foreground.
More often than not, my work looked something like this.
In this selfie, the author is seated outside in the garden area of her school campus. She's got her laptop open in front of her, plus lunch in a paper bag that reads 'plants taste better'.
Or, better yet, like this!
A zoomed in snapshot of Kent, seated on a pool lounger with his laptop in front of him.
Meanwhile, Kent’s work sometimes looked like this!
A glimpse into the author's living room. Her husband is seated on a tiny sofa, with his laptop on a TV table in front of him. Her laptop is open on another small table and her books are stacked on the chair beside.
Sometimes, we both got to work from home…
A happy image of KnC smiling from a round, rooftop chair on one of their many domestic dates!
…which left plenty of opportunity for great escapes from work on our rooftop!

Mistakes and Outtakes

The usual fare of silly mistakes I made and other funny moments during my life in BKK. Only this time, not all the mistakes were mine!

Here the author points toward a sign that reads Lumpini Park. It appears to be a main entrance to the park, but is locked shut and she is somewhat dismayed.
When you find your park but you are locked out…
The author has scooped up a tiny kitten in this image, and cannot believe the cuteness she is holding!
When you find a kitten in said park and you can’t control your actions (or your face)…
A photograph of Kent appreciating a very small baguette on a rooftop terrace.
When you order a baguette but it arrives miniaturized…
When you always travel alone, even when you’re together…
The author has captured a selfie with a tiny lunchmate! Can you spot it?
When you’ve got a work lunch date… (look closer!)
It's a little brown snail, eating a fallen fruit!
When it doesn’t seem fair that you work outside of the home and he got covid…
When he has the strong covid but you just never seem to get it…
A motion-blur selfie featuring the author running alone in the gym, with headphones in. She's frowning at the camera, missing her mate!
When he’s still in quarantine, so you have to treadmill run alone…
A candid photo of the author seated on her heels and draped, arms and torso, over a green stability ball. Her eyes are completely closed. Is she asleep?
When you’re so sleepy that your workout consists of a ‘stability ball sit’…
A close-up capture of the little dove that the author and her husband rescued when it dropped into the pool from the heavens. The author looks at it with a smile, and the small bird clings to her left hand with its wet claws.
When you’re fledging and you mistake the blue pool for blue sky and require rescuing…

Just a cute selfie of Carrie kissing Kent's cheek in the garden!
Just one more, for good measure 🙂