One year can change your life. Especially if it’s a mountain mission year!
Our mountain mission year took place between October 2015 and October 2016. We visited a total of 22 National Parks, plus 20 Provincial Parks. It was basically the best adventure ever, and I can’t recommend it highly enough for you!

*1 national park is featured three times in the collage above. Do you know which one? Comment below and I’ll send you a postcard!
Our mountain mission year began as a simple idea: what if we climbed the peaks of every national park? Half-way into that mission, we realized that Korea also has an awful lot of mountainous provincial parks as well. So, why not climb all of those too? The mountain mission year that followed was full of travel and adventure in Korea’s prettiest places!

*Three provincial parks are missing from the collage above. Have any guesses about which three don’t feature here? Comment and get a postcard!
Working towards the goal of visiting all Korea’s parks was a great motivator. But the best rewards were the individual experiences we had in the parks. Some summits made me braver: challenging me with cliffside exposure and roping my arms into tough climbs. Certain treks were all about the companionship: sharing snacks with locals or lingering over veggie side dishes in local restaurants. At other times, we had the trails to ourselves and did a studies in nature appreciation.

The original mountain mission year laid the foundations for still more summit seeking. Back in Korea two years later, Kent and I decided to climb all of Korea’s famous summits. Our new mountain mission in 2018 resulted in our conquest of Korea’s 120 summits!